Ayurveda very specially considers the arena of beauty care and cure and it has hundreds of treatment varieties ensuring facial curtness and beauty. All the skin care methods in Ayurveda are pure and with herbs and medicinal plants. Ayurveda hugs the goodness from the nature and it ensures better skin treatment without side effects. Mukhalepam is an Ayurveda care and cure treatment with some special features. Ayureda has certain classification for facials and all these factions are authentically proved. The three purpose of classification are 1. For mitigating dosha 2. Improving complexion 3. Mitigating toxin etc and Mukhalepam the unique Ayurveda skin treatment has very ancestry perhaps back to hundreds of years. Mukhalepam has the power to eliminate wrinkles, black heads, cellulite, suntan etc. and it can be say as a best skin care treatment.
No of days :-
One time cost : Euro 7
Total cost : Euro 7