Ayurveda prescribes many treatments for various medical conditions such as rheumatism, respiratory problems, blood pressure, cholesterol, paralysis etc. This system of medicine is special in that it makes use of only natural ingredients and as a result are totally harmless and at the same time highly curative. Some of the treatments offered are as follows:
US $910 (14 Days)
In Ayureda, Pizhichil has a substitute name as ‘Thaila Dhara’ and it’s a well known system of healing, getting much acceptance all over the world. Pizhichil is a very important traditional therapy and considers as the king of therapies.
US $500 (14 Days)
The nourishing therapy “Njavarakkizhi takes importance in Ayurveda and this treatment is keeping the rishi medicinal qualities and features.
US $308 – Thakra Dhara & Ksheera Dhara, US $490 – Thyladhara (14 Days)
Dhara is a very ancient Ayurveda treatment system using mildly warm oil, and it’s a method well known all over the world. There are many varieties
US $29 (One time)
Ayurveda, the science of longevity, world’s most ancient rishi medicinal science needs no special introduction because the entire world whole heartedly taking interest to hug Ayurveda,
US $40 (One time)
Is a very special Ayurveda treatment with a very ancient tradition over thousands of years, still gives relax and elimination to many physical problem
US $140 – Matra Vasthi, US $280 – Sneha Vasthi, US $770 – Kashaya Vasthi (14 Days)
Vasti is a main treatment form of Ayurveda, specially considering for the treatments of rheumatic diseases. heartedly taking interest to hug Ayurveda,
US $350 (14 days)
Ayurveda is a complete scientific medicinal system ensures treatments with amazing curing power and it have everything that you would prefer from a quality remedy exposure. Siro Vasthi is one of
US $290 (14 days)
Ayurveda has so many effective therapies and the inclusion of these methods make Ayurveda as a meaningful medicinal science where the ancient tradition and cultural heritage blooms.
US $180 (14 days)
Abhyangam is a very special massage with the healing power to body refreshing and it’s very popular nowadays. It’s a massage completely effective to body and Abhyangam ensures refreshment of body and mind,
US $85 (14 days)
Nasyam is a well known Ayurveda remedy with vast healing power and in Kerala alone thousands of Nasyam treatments happening in Ayureda centers and it gives guaranteed relaxation for head related problems.
US $150 (14 days)
Ayurveda offers very special treatment diversities and this rishi medicinal science is a unique treatment system ensures relax and elimination of much diseases. As one of the reliable curing method of Ayurveda, the Snehapanam is very important and it gives relax beyond expectation.
US $15 (Part), US $30 (Full) (14 days)
Kizhi is an Ayurveda treatment with much importance, enlarging the relevance of promoting natural and pure medical applications.
US $560 (14 days)
Dhanyamla Dhara is an Ayurveda therapy with amazing power of elimination to ailments and it has found from the traditionally old and ancient Sanskrit Ayurveda palm readings.
US $10 ( One time)
Yoni Prakshalanam, as the name denotes is an Ayurveda treatment therapy especially designed for Women and this curing system of Ayureda get wide acceptance all over India and abroad.
US $22 (One time)
Kathi, means the waist portion of the human body and there many health problems related with waist and Kativasthi helps to eliminate waste problems and illness.
US $40 (One time)
As a medicinal branch Ayurveda is pure and dominant science where herbs, plants, nature are the key role players, besides it has a tradition over thou
US $7 (One time)
Ksheeradhoomam is absolutely preparing in natural way using herbals and it’s a very special curing method with result oriented features.
US $5 (One time)
Ayurveda is a perfect medicinal science with lot of unique treatment varieties, and Ayurveda directly depends the nature for the production of medicin
US $13 (One time)
Skin diseases can be eliminate effectively in Ayurveda and it’s very unique and absolutely, it’s a rishi medicinal science holds the tradi
US $30 (One time)
As a massage therapy “Marma??? takes much relevance in Ayurveda and it has everything to satisfy to those who undergo Marma. The vital poin
US $18 – Lekhaneeyam (Part), US $35 – Lekhaneeyam (Full)
The food habit of our society has been changed a lot, and it’s the main reason for the life style diseases which contiguously follows the new ge
US $7 ( One time)
Karnapooranam is a complete solution for every kind of ear problems and it’s really a unique treatment of Ayurveda. With the un believable heali
US $7 (One time)
There is a Hindu religious performance known as Tharpanam and in Ayurveda there is another Tharpanam and it has a special meaning as retention of the
US $7 (One time)
Ayurveda very specially considers the arena of beauty care and cure and it has hundreds of treatment varieties ensuring facial curtness and beauty. Al
US $14 (One time)
Medicated steam bath is so special and very effective to eliminate impurities from the body and it improves the tone of the body. It has the power to